Over time trauma or pain from unresolved grief from loss accumulates. Painful feelings that are pushed down do not disappear but can show up in our bodies in various ways. The passing of time does not heal if we do nothing but it does allow for the disconnect from painful unresolved feelings, rendering you numb. You don’t have to remember the painful details to aid your body to release.
What is the AromaTouch Technique
The AromaTouch® Technique* provides a way to use the healing properties of plants to maximize emotional and physical healing. The technique is an essential oil application applied to the back and the feet to create a feeling of overall wellness.
Health is created as the body achieves and maintains balance--homeostasis. Environmental toxins, stress, or trauma can offset your balance. The technique promotes balance so that healing can continue. Homeostasis is an integral part of preventative care.
Benefits from sessions:
Create mental peace & calm from anxiety
Release toxins
Emotional & physical release
Promotes balance to organ functions
Improves the quality of sleep
*This technique is not a treatment for any specific disease or condition the body’s natural abilities for healing are miraculous.